YouTube Title Generator

Craft Standout Titles in a Flash

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Edit YouTube Videos with AI

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Why are YouTube titles important?

A YouTube video without a title is like a mystery box— your viewers don’t know what to expect. Eliminate the uncertainty by crafting effective titles.

Compelling YouTube titles are essential for attracting viewers, improving click-through rates, and ensuring that your content is discoverable through search and recommendations.

What makes a great YouTube title?


Besides your YouTube thumbnail, the video’s title is the next thing that will catch your viewers’ eyes. An effective YouTube title is attention-grabbing and makes a viewer want to click on your video and learn more.



The word “keyword” contains “key” for a reason– they’re essential for making your YouTube video more discoverable. Keywords serve as indicators that help the YouTube algorithm sort and categorize your videos, ensuring users who search specific keywords can find your content.


Concise Clarity

A truly effective YouTube title is clear and concise, conveying your message without unnecessary fluff. A straightforward YouTube title ensures your viewers grasp the video’s topic, capture their attention, and makes it easy for them to decide to watch.


Viewer Curiosity

Want to generate enough curiosity to make your viewers eager to watch your video? If you said yes, then crafting compelling YouTube titles is key. A great YouTube title grabs your audience’s attention by hinting at your content and encouraging viewers to click.

You Might Wanna Know...

How do I come up with a YouTube title?

Coming up with a YouTube title takes a bit of brainstorming. First, think of your video’s content. What is the main keyword people would search to find your video? Be sure to include that keyword in your title. Next, think of a catchy line that would draw their attention.

An easier option to come up with a YouTube title is to use Submagic’s YouTube Title Generator. With one click of a button, you can generate keyword-rich and relevant titles in seconds. 

What is the AI to help with YouTube titles?

If you’re looking to use AI to write compelling and engaging YouTube titles, look no further than Submagic. Submagic’s YouTube Title Generator uses AI to analyze your video and generate the most compelling and creative title for your YouTube video.

Are shorter YouTube titles better?

YouTube Shorts can be uploaded in MP4 or .MOV formats. These formats ensure compatibility and high-quality playbaThe character count for YouTube titles is limited to 100 characters. Although you can use all 100 characters, it’s best to keep your YouTube titles short, as in between 60 and 70 characters. ck.

Should you put hashtags in a YouTube title?

You can use hashtags in your YouTube title, especially YouTube Shorts. However, hashtags generally perform better in the video’s description. You can use up to fifteen hashtags for your YouTube video. Any more than fifteen and YouTube fails to recognize them.

If you need help writing a title for your video, use Submagic’s YouTube Title Generator.

 What is the best YouTube title generator?

Submagic is the best YouTube title generator. Try using it for your YouTube videos today!

TikTok Video Editing is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Submagic goes beyond TikTok video editing—it's your ultimate content creation powerhouse. Use it across all social media platforms to increase your reach and visibility.

Dive into a seamless experience where you can effortlessly craft, enhance, add captions and share stunning videos without any hassle.

With Submagic, creators, influencers, and marketers can easily produce top-tier videos.

Our AI-driven platform takes the technical work off your hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best—creating.

Experience the full potential of your creativity with Submagic

—where innovation meets simplicity.

YouTube Title Generation is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Submagic is more than just a tool for generating Youtube titles for videos —it's your all-in-one content creation powerhouse. Utilize it across all social media platforms to boost your reach and visibility with various video content.

Enjoy a seamless experience where you can effortlessly craft, enhance, caption, and share stunning videos without any hassle. With Submagic, creators, influencers, and marketers can easily produce top-quality videos.

Our AI-driven platform handles the technical work, allowing you to focus on your creativity.

Experience the full potential of your creativity with Submagic

— where innovation meets simplicity.